“Fruit of Medjugorje”

This program air's weekly) on MaryTV. All testimonies (more than 500) are archived on the MaryTV.TV website under the menu option 'Fruit of Medjugorje'. “The good fruit of Medjugorje is unparalleled in the history of the Church!” Rev. Michael O’Carroll, author of “Theotokas”, an encyclopedia on Our Lady

My Experience in Medjugorje
My name is James Culligan. On June 18. 2000 I had fallen asleep when driving my car and I collided with a tree. I was paralyzed from the waist down. I am now in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
Before June 18th, my girlfriend and I would always attend Mass every Sunday, and my faith was very strong. I was raised a Catholic and went to Christian schools all my life. But after June 18th, I thought, why could God do this to me? I suffered for 3 1/2 long years; I had completely lost my faith in God and Catholicism.
One day not too long ago my Dad asked me if I would go to Medjugorje. He had told lme that this place in Bosnia is a place of healing physically and mentally. At this point I was very skeptical, I didn't know what to think; I had lost my faith in God. But after a while I thought to myself, I might as well go. If anything, it would be a fun trip. But little did I know that this place in Bosnia would change my perspective on the Catholic faith and myself forever.
I had taken a close friend of mine along with me on this trip to Medjugorje, her name is Kate. At first glance we didn't know what to think of this place, it was so beautiful there, I thought to myself this is going to be an awesome trip. When we finally arrived in Medjugorje, I couldn't believe how much the Croatian people would go to church. You could really tell that there was something very mysterious about this place and I hadn't quite grasped what was going on.
One day during the trip I was telling a few people that were also on on this journey to Medjugorje about myself and how I had the accident. I was speaking with them for about half an hour. It was a gorgeous day, when all of a sudden this older man with white hair and a long white beard came up to me and said in perfect English, " such is life". Right after this Croatian man said that, I felt complete serenity. It was the most exhilarating experience I have ever felt!
After that experience, I knew that God had a plan for me. For the rest of the week in Medjugorje, I attended Mass every day. I had been completely overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit. I now have a renewed sense of faith in God and the Catholic Church. Medjugorje is absolutely the best, and most self-fulfilling journey that I have ever been a part of. I am so glad that I got to be a part of an experience like that!

Thank you very much, James Culligan

My Experience in Medjugorje
Medjugorje is among many things, a place of conversion. As Christians we continually undergo conversion throughout our lives. Whether it is that first big turn of faith or the small realizations that God loves us even more than we thought, conversion is an ongoing process. If I were to say that my trip to Medjugorje was a turning point in my life I would be lying, but it did open my eyes to a new aspect of my faith...Mary.
In my home Mary was never a prominent figure. We had no statues, few images, and albeit an abundance of rosaries, it was never prayed. Despite all this, my older sister, now a Dominican Sister, had developed a deep devotion to Our Lady. For years she had been urging me to love Our Holy Mother but I always felt that I had a mother and wasn't in need of another. When the idea of attending a trip came up I felt compelled to find out why I needed Our Lady in my life and why she was so important to Catholics. Although my parents kept denying that we would go, deep down we all felt an inner calling to this holy place.
It is said, "By their fruits, you shall know them" (Matthew 7:20). It is impossible not to see the fruits of Medjugorje: conversion, healings, increase in prayer, however what amazed me most was the faith. It can't be put into words, it just was. I've always disliked the say "I've found Jesus". It always seemed so ridiculous to me. He isn't hiding. He's right in front of you, is what I always thought. In Medjugorje, I found Jesus. One night Eucharistic Adoration had been moved into the church because of rain. People came in masses as always and the church was packed. Not only were the seats full, but the aisles, the back foyer and every possible crack and crevice were cramped with people. I was standing beside one of the side doors and I watched in amazement as people moved from outside, who couldn't fit in the church edged in to get a glinpse of Our Lord hidden in the Eucharist and moved back to allow others in to see. The meaning of those words hit me harder than ever before...This is My Body, This is My Blood...I always believed and knew that the Eucharist was Jesus, but for the first time I saw Him. God is hiding. He hides Himself so well that we don't even see Him. He hides Himself so well that we forget that upon the altar, what appears as a little piece of bread, is our God.
In Medjugorje Mary calls us to dreaw to the Eucharist, to draw to her Son and find Him, to know Him, and most of all to love Him. When I returned I felt so hopeless. I didn't know how I would be able to continue the dedication I had in Medjugorje in my everyday life. There is so much turmoil and unrest inour world that all I wanted to do was flee back to this haven. however, a popular song, Dare You to Move, by the Christian band Switchfoot helped me put my life back into perspective.
The song speaks of persevering in the midst of tension and turmoil. A particular line of this song , struck me, "Where you gonna go? Salvation is here". I realized that I don't have to go back to Medjugorje to find God again. He is here and it is my duty to continue the mission which Mary calls us to, a call to conversion, faith and peace. Mary points to her Son and says, "Here is your God, now move". I realized why I needed Maryl She helps us to see her Son and she understands the hardships and trials we face in a world where God is hidden. She gives us a starting point, a path, a way to find God and love Him as she loves Him. It is comforting to know that I don't have to go to another country to find Jesus, but that He is right here in every tabernacle, in every church saying, "Here I am", and I will move.

Jennifer Marsh

Medjugorje; A Wonderful Experience

August 2006 Carolyn and I went to Medjugorje Bosnia/Herzegovina on a 9 day Pilgrimage.

Two reasons why we went were;
1) Our Godson Steven (21 years old) was going on this trip and we thought it would be nice for Carolyn and I to spend time with him. He had never travelled outside of North America.

2) The trip included going to Dubrovnik, Croatia, an old wall city that we had always wanted to visit.

Medjugorje is a town where the Blessed Mother appeared to six Children in June 1981.

Our last night in Medjugorje Carolyn and I bought this statue of the Virgin Mary standing on some clouds as a souvenir to take home (around 7:30 pm).
On our way back to the Hotel (Nada Pansion) where we were to staying we met up with Father Moe (he just moved back to Ontario from Newfoundland) one of the two priests that were on this trip, Steven (our Godson) and Jacinta (a teenager), Fr. Moe talked us into going to St. James Church with them to see what they do at a healing service.

When we got there the service was outside, there were several thousand people at it, the language spoken was in Croatian, I said it was no use of us staying here because we can’t understand what they are saying and it was getting dark (8:05 pm) so you could not really see what was going on.

Fr. Moe talked us into staying for a little while anyway. He spotted some seats where we could all sit. All this time I am still holding the statue of the Blessed Mother in my arms. With-in five minutes of sitting there something changed in me, I could hear out of my deaf ear real clear after 55 years. I was shaking like a leaf, and it was like I could understand Croatian, it was really weird. I kept playing with my ears because it didn’t make sense what had just happened. The others couldn’t believe either. I thought the volume was turned up, but they said it wasn’t.

The service was over in about another ten mintues (the healing service had only started around 8:00 o’clock right after the Croatian Mass which had started at 7:00). We all walked back to where we were staying spreading the good news, but I kept saying to everybody I don’t understand why me, it didn’t make sense because I ddidn’t even ask for anything and I don’t recall telling Mary that I was deaf in my left ear. It was hard to believe.

When we got back to the Hotel, Fr. Chris and Fr. Moe offered to bless any religious articles our group had brought and make Holy Water to take home around 9:30 p.m. in the dining room.
Carolyn unwrapped the statue at this time (it is wrapped up in bubble wrap in a plastic bag). This is where I couldn’t hold the tears back anymore from all the excitement that was going on.

The coulds on the statue were very warm as if it was burning (quite warm to the touch). The body of Mary was warm like a human person, yet Mary’s veil and the base were cool. Fr. Chris and Fr. Moe could not believe this, everybody there also felt the statue, it was unbelievable.

Fr. Moe said I believe Mary is present with us all, so everyone there started praying together to the Blessed Mother for about twenty minutes. There were 44 of us in that room who witnessed this wonderful experience.

After that everyone started congratulating me one at a time and touching me. Some of them confessed to me why they came on this trip, I was really getting scared now. Why are they doing this, it was like I was a priest and they had to tell me. I could not believe this. There was only one person on this trip who everyone knew was looking for a miracle. She was a young lady (Anne) who got burned two years ago. She was burned on her left side leaving her face, arm and body badly scared and still with some afflicted wounds. She wears a big bandage on the left side of her face. We all felt sorry for her, she should have been the one healed, not me. Yet she took her turn congratulating me and she was very happy for what happened to me. I am in shock now, we hug each other and cry in each others arms for about 10 minutes. Later another young girl(Sarah) around sixteen tells me how happy she is for me, she also confesses that the reason she is here, she is also deaf in her left ear and by coming to Medjugorje she hoped it might be corrected. This was just too much for me, if I could have given what happened to me to her I would have. I have everything anybody could ever want, I have a good life so why is this happening to me? Again tears poured out as I gave her a big hug and held her for a while. Later this girl talked to me for quite awhile wanting to know how it was growing up with hearing only in one ear. She loves music and finds a hard time because she is unable to pick up any sound on her left side. A wonderful young person.

When the owner of the house (Nada) congratulated me with a big hug and kiss, said this is the second Miracle that has happened with someone that has stayed here, brought out bottles of wine and other drinks and said we are going to have a celebration. We all celebrated until about 2:00 a.m. signing, drinking, laughing, etc., we were like one big happy family. They were all having a lot of fun, I am still not sure what was going on and is it just a dream. It will be interesting if I can still hear from my deaf ear in the morning yet.

I was so scared about the statue that I didn’t want to take it to our room, so I left it in the dining room over night. In the morning when we went to the dining room I put my had out very carefully to touch it, the statue was normal again, so we packed it up and brought it home with us.

I have no explanation on what happened on our last night but something special did!
I do believe a miracle did occur and what happened to the statue was a sign to let everyone in the room witness something special.

I don’t ever remember praying to the Blessed Mother before, but I do now.
I thank her because through the power of God, I am positive she had something to do with what happened (but I still don’t understand why me).

There is something special about this place Medjugorje, we will be going back again.

Some other notes;

For some unknown reason around 6:30 am before leaving for home, I wanted to go and see the statue of the Risen Christ one more time. Why I don’t know. It’s a solid brass statue (about 25’ high) out behind St. James Church on your way to the cemetery. A tear drop runs out of his right knee every few seconds. The tear drops have been analyzed as the same texture as a human tear (unexplainable).
The weather is hot and dry most of the time, but it does not stop the tear drops.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but Carolyn reminded me when we were at home that we had made a visit to the Risen Christ statue the morning of my healing. I had touched a tear drop for the first time only because I finally built up the courage to do so (his knees are about 8’ above the ground). Earlier in the week we visited that same statue it actually freaked me out. I didn’t even have enough nerve to touch or even take a picture of the tear drops, I was scared and for some reason it just didn’t seem right.

It is day #30 as of sept. 19th at 2:10 pm our time, and I can still hear from my deaf ear.

I was deaf until November 1963 (12 years old) in both ears but unknowingly I could understand voices because I learned to read lips in my younger years. My only problem was I didn’t speak very good, a lot of times people really couldn’t make out what I was saying. Up to this time I was seeing a Specialist for seven years with many different things being done but no success. This time I had tubes wired into each ear and when I cam out of recovery and woke up my first words I heard were President Kennedy was shot. I received about 80% hearing in my right ear and only partial hearing in my left. I was in the Stratford Hospital for two weeks, the last time I had tubes in my ears I was in and out after several hours, quite a difference. I have had tubes put in my ears about a dozen times over 38 years.
But in the last 10 years my left ear wasn’t picking up any sound.

The last time I was at the Ear Specialist was in 1994, I was told by the Dr. that there is nothing more he can do for me and that the next step would be a hearing aid for my good ear. He told me to go as long as I can without one, because once I get one, I will start depending on it for hearing all the time. Maybe he knew something when he told me to go as long as I can without a hearing aid.

I went to Dr. Rowe (until he retired) in Stratford for 20 years from 1956 to 1976.
Then I went to Dr. Hutchinson in Guelph for 18 years from 1976 to 1994 who also retired.
Both of these Ear Specialists are now deceased.

It is quite a change for Carolyn, she can now communicate to me in my left ear.
Before if I had my good ear covered I could not hear Her.

There are a lot of people who have not heard of Medjugorje. I told my story to at least a couple hundred people now, and in telling them I am amazed how interested they are in hearing it.
I really did not think that to many people would believe, other than the ones who know me personally. I can not believe how after four weeks that I am still talking about a trip that I didn’t think would match any of our other great trips that we have been one. I have never talked about any other trip this way. Out of all the people I told, only seven of them were sceptical.

Before we went on our trip Father Voisin our parish priest and Father Larry my first cousin told Carolyn and I not to get caught up in what has materialized over in Medjugorje. The Church does not recognize this place where there Virgin Mary appeared to six Children and they really encourage people not to go there other than for site seeing.

I am amazed about the amount of people trying to get into St. James Church for the next service before the previous one is over. Because of so many tourists, Mass was being celebrated seven times a day. A lot of them listen to the mass from outdoor speakers; the church is too full to get inside. The church seated appropriate 600 to 700 plus there were probably 300 standing in any available floor space left in that church. Every English speaking was that we attended there were 25 to 30 Priests celebrating it.

I am amazed how we wanted a statue with the name Medjugorje on it, but picked the only one without this name.

I am amazed that Father Moe talked our Godson into going to the healing service and how they met us on the way back from shopping.

Laura’s Testimony-

My story is not overly exciting –but God is. He took a simple non-eventful life and turned into a fun, exciting adventure where I long to know Him more, to discern Him more, to love and serve him more.

Like many of you, my first really exciting encounter with Christ came through COR, a Catholic retreat for young people. I made new friends. I had a new zest for life and especially a new love for God and His church.

In grade eleven I went to Dominican Republic and experienced first hand how sincerely the poor loved God. It seemed that because they had so little, they couldn’t love Him so much more. What a witness to me. After high school I started University, studying music at Western.

Following that year I decided I wanted to take a year off and travel to El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua to work and live with the poor. This was my decision and I didn’t put much prayer into it. I learned a lot about the Central American culture, but my faith and zeal began to fade. I became very worldly and pleasure seeking. This was definitely not a spiritually fruitful time in my life.

After I returned I enrolled in the Child and Youth Worker Program at Fanshawe. I was so glad to be home, but I really felt like I had hit rock bottom. My faith wasn’t all that important to me anymore. I still attended mass on Sundays and prayed occasionally. But, not much more.

I heard about the Medjugorje Pilgrimage from Fr. Chris Gillespie and I was excited to try something new. I began to pray if whether nor not I was called to this place. In my heart I knew this is what God wanted me to do.

In Medjugorje there is a huge monument of the Risen Christ and I found myself sitting there often, reflecting and praying. With some pictures of the Risen Christ he looks so happy and free but not this monument. Though risen He still liked batter, bruised, and beaten. But He was raised. I connected deeply with this. If Christ could get up and rise throughout the passion and journey with the cross and then rise from the dead, I could surely through His graces rise above my great spiritual bruises and beatings, my sinfulness and pride. I experienced great joy and peace in Medjugorje for reasons I can’t to this day explain. I do know I received the grace to forgive those who had hurt me deeply and also the graces of understanding and knowing Christ more. The pilgrimage was like a huge stepping stone for me- going from rock bottom to climbing to reach the top. I felt like I was finally experiencing Christ again. Since Medjugorje my life has changed. My love for God and Our Blessed Mother has exploded-I love them so much now. I love going to mass and understanding it. My faith has been renewed. My heart and soul have not only healed but filled with the love of God. I truly feel that God is calling me to do something special. This continues to excite me. After returning from Medjugorje I started a Youth Group, attended two Opus Dei retreats and have continued to be involved with COR as a big sister. Christ has inspired me to share His love with others and to develop a more intimate relationship with Him. Medjugorje is a special place. Before I went I used to experience migraines once or twice a week. I returned from Medjugorje in August of 2006 and have not had one since. God is so good. I didn’t ask to be healed of this cross. God simply gave me this grace and sign of His love.

One of the greatest blessings of this pilgrimage is the friendship in Christ that I share with my friend, Anne Culligan. We experienced this pilgrimage together and the great love of Our Father and can’t wait to return.

Thank you.

Anne Testimony

Some of you may know me. Many of you have been praying for me. God Bless you for all your kindness.

In January 2006, I was involved in a house fire as a result of an arsonist. Over 20% of my body was burned. My injuries were so sever and the doctor’s couldn’t be sure I would make it through the night. My family was devastated.
How did this come about? It was an act of pure carelessness and a complete disregard for human life. Yet God’s grace won overall! The following months would consist of struggling to regain basic bodily functions like breathing on my own, speaking, walking and eating. These I pray to never take for granted again. Intense physiotherapy then ensued and still continues today.
That summer my parents mentioned Medjugorje. What is that? I thought.
-A pilgrimage I was told. What the Lord had in store for me in Medjugorje would be nothing short of a miracle, the conversion of my heart. Because apart from what was physically endured during this experience; my spirit had been broken. I felt betrayed by my fellowman and I was emotionally and spiritually wounded. Now back to Medjugorje. During the pilgrimage I heard a personal testimony by a woman named Nancy. Now Nancy said, in the simplest way, “You cannot pray the Our Father, with any degree of confidence, asking Him to forgive us our sins, as we forgive others, without forgiveness in our own heart.” At that moment I realized that God was revealing to me what must be done; forgive. Forgive the man who left me with life long injuries. For some reason, at that time, I was almost content with my anger. I found I used it as an excuse to be angry, like I was allowed and that I had the right to be angry. Spiritually, I realized the overwhelming difference between God’s forgiving love, and all the bitterness I felt in my heart. My self-pity dissolved and the anger slipped away from me. It was then that I was able to forgive.
Today, I thank God for my life, for my family and for my faith. I know I am not perfect, I’m still growing. However I now have a renewed spirit. Just as Christ has risen from the dead, I too have risen from the dust of my worldly ways.
As Christ looked down on me from the cross with His words of Mercy, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,” by His grace I am determined to pick up my cross and truly forgive my brother. May we always see with the eyes of Christ, for through His mercy comes peace, joy and eternal life.
On a final note, I want to give thanks to Our Blessed Mother Mary who drew me to Medjugorje, and closer to her Son Jesus. And I thank Jesus for pointing me to His Father, Our Loving God, without whom none of this would be possible.

Thank-you God and may He bless you all.